Hello everyone! Class 4 have been working super hard and loving our new theme this term, ‘The Zoo’. We have been busy in our fantastic Structured Play area exploring the zoo role play area, our small world zoo, artic animal water tray and our tiger print sensory tray. Class 4 have been learning all about different zoo animals and have been busy creating different animals during art such as our handprint giraffes and snakes as well as making different animals during playdough group! The boys and girls have been doing fantastic listening during our class story, ‘The Zoo Vet’ and have been enjoying meeting all the different animals the vet has helped!
Class 4 have been loving their PE sessions along with the soccer coaches. Everyone has been brilliant at working together, listening to the coaches and taking turns!
Class 4 have been working super hard with different tasks throughout the school day! For example, the pupils have been working independently on their work baskets, completing class jobs such as setting the dinner table, tidying up and helping to make break!
Every Thursday, Class 4 attend the hydrotherapy pool. The boys and girl have made fantastic progress with their pre-swimming skills and we have even had some very brave pupils going down to the deep end all by themselves!
We hope you have enjoyed seeing all the wonderful achievements, learning and fun that happens in Class 4.