Our VTU classes have been super busy working as part of our Eco-Committee! We all had the opportunity to vote for our 2023 Eco-Roles and we posted our ballot to be counted. Congratulations to our new Eco leaders! We held a meeting to discuss our action plan and decided to sign up to the 'Adopt a Street' Scheme ran by Armagh Council. We also decided to participate in the 'Adopt a Spot' scheme within our school grounds. We made plans for getting our school involved in Earth Hour on the 24th of March - the eco committee will ensure lights within the school are turned off for one hour of our school day to stand up against climate change by saving energy. We also discussed plans for taking part in the 'Big Spring Clean' on the 24th of March. We have encouraged classes within the school to get involved with our 'Adopt a Spot' scheme whilst on their daily mile in our local area. Some of our classes have already made a massive difference, well done everyone!